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Environmental Policy

This policy applies to all activities undertaken by Play Wooden CIC and impacts upon key suppliers and customers. 

Play Wooden CIC policies provide a safe, healthy workplace, help protect the environment and conserve energy and natural resources. With these policies in place, we believe that we can achieve a healthy and safe environment. We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our operations. In particular, we will achieve this through our commitment to: 

  • Improve resource efficiency;

    • Buy wood only from members of the Timber Trade Federation, companies that respect the F.S.C.® and P.E.F.C.™ Standards or from second-hand wood shops.

    • Use paint, glue and varnish awarded with the European Ecolabel, with low VOCs and phthalates free.

  • Comply with all relevant legislation and regulations. 

  • Regularly review the environmental impact of our activities, endeavour to reduce our overall environmental impact and prevent waste using best practice techniques.

  • Involve employees in our environmental programme and provide necessary training to enable them to fulfill their responsibilities. 

  • Sustain a programme of continual improvement in environmental performance, incorporating suitable measurement and monitoring mechanisms.

  • Work with key suppliers to encourage them to develop environmental best practice.

  • Use recyclable and renewable materials in place of virgin products where possible.


The company will foster environmental awareness and understanding in all employees, suppliers, customers, subcontractors and other stakeholders. Where applicable, the company will provide information and assistance to customers on environmental issues arising from its products and services.

This policy is publicly available here

Our Suppliers

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